4.30 am - Get UP

Daybreak early in the morning as it takes some time to wash and dress all children. Only a few children are able to prepare themselves without assistance of the housemothers. 

7 am - Breakfast

Every morning each child gets 3 Mandazis and a cup of porridge. The Mandazis are mashed and mixed with the porridge for those who can't eat themselves. On Sundays they get bread for breakfast. 


At the weekend the children help the housemothers to prepare breakfast and feed the other children. 


8 am - School/Therapy

Some children are able to go to school on their own, the others are taken to special classes by the housemothers. Those who don't attend classes are taken to the therapy rooms. 

10 am - break

All children, also those from special classes, come together in the dining room and enjoy a short break. The children get porridge again and have some time to rest before going back to classes and therapy. 

12 am - lunch



There is a fixed menu for the whole week. Once a day they get rice with beans and once mash with green vegetables. On Wednesdays there is Chapati day. Chapati with small beans. On Sundays there is meat. At least twice a week the children eat fruits - oranges or bananas. 


One meal takes about one hour. Up to 14:00 the children rest in the dorms. 

2 pm - School/Therapy

In the afternoon only the children who participate at HGM primary school are going back to classes again. All the other children spend the afternoon in the therapy rooms and entertain each other. Especially the ones in the wheelchairs. 


Every Tuesday afternoon there is a mass at Small Home. The dining room turns into a "chapel". One of the priests of the community visits the children and celebrates mass with them. Also the entire staff takes part. A lot of drumming, singing and dancing. The children love it. 


On Wednesday and Friday afternoons the children are playing outside. They have a swing and a merry-go-round which they enjoy a lot. 

4 pm - Leisure

After the therapy the children are taken to the dining room. Especially the older children love to sit outside in the backyard of the house or spend their leisure in the dorm - they play, dance or just relax.


The girls love to help the housemothers to gather the clothes and put them into their wooden boxes under their beds.

6 pm - Dinner

In the evening the children who are able to eat by themselves sometimes also help to feed the others. After dinner the housemothers prepare the children for the night. 


Whilst the younger children are taken to the dorm after dinner the older children are allowed to stay in the dining room up to 8 pm They play board games, chat with each other or watch TV. By 9 pm everyone is in bed. 


< One evening Richard became a mechanic. He changed the wheels of his wheelchair on his own. Sifa, Omar and Willy were happy to assist him.